Economic Development and Business

Chair: Sarah Froelich

Co-Chair: Marty Boyer

Members: Monty O’Hara, Emily Sayers and Mike Conway

This Economic Development & Business committee:

 Mission and Priorities

Our goal is to promote sustainable business development and economic growth within our business community in an effort to improve the quality of life for residents of Park Hills and our neighbors.

To accomplish this, the Economic Development and Business committee:

  • Identifies ways to improve the Park Hills business district and attract new businesses to Park Hills.
  • Establishes relationships and engages with current business owners and business property owners.
  • Explores options for long-term economic development opportunities such as establishing character standards and a strategic plan for our business district.
  • Works with local and regional agencies to obtain grants and incentives for attracting new businesses to our business district and beyond.

The Economic Development and Business Committee meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month beginning at 6 PM in the upstairs City Building chambers at 1106 Amsterdam Road. Most meetings are also available virtually. Check out the City & Events Calendar for more details.

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(859) 431-6252

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